Sunday, September 1, 2013

LIGHT Revealed

Matthew 11:28  ...Come to Me, all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will you rest.  Take My yoke upon you learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in HEART, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
In reading this passage in my daily devotions this morning, a memory of my early days with the Lord came flooding back.  At a time when I had my focus more on the physical needs in my life than on the Lord Himself, He revealed His presence to me in a great and awesome way.  I'd like to share this event with you.
In '83 probably during the 1st quarter of the year I was so excited to experience His presence.  It seemed that His presence was so full in each and every church service during that time, especially for me.  One particular service I had gone to the altar and was so enveloped in prayer that nothing else mattered until, all of a sudden, even with my eyes still closed I saw this amazing burst of LIGHT.  I opened my eyes with my head still down and right there just behind the corner of the pulpit was the brightest LIGHT I had ever seen.  As I continued to try to focus I began to see sandaled feet with a white cotton robe just above the ankles.  As I continued to look up the LIGHT was extremely radiant.  When I got to His face the LIGHT was so bright I could not make out any features but knew exactly who He was. 
As I continued to look at Him, He spoke this passage to me.
When I heard His voice I knew that there was no need for me to ever carry a burden or weight.  His LIGHT was the only thing that could dispel any dark thing that would come to distract me.  His LIGHT would carry that dark thing away and I'd never have to carry it, see it or even know of its existence.  As I stay in the LIGHT of Jesus I will always know restful increase.  He is the LIGHT and will only bring LIGHT to any darkness coming my way.  There is not even a shadow in His LIGHT.
I encourage you to seek first in all things His Kingdom and see Him bring His LIGHT to you as He did to me.
His Love is ever present and He is ever faithful.
Be encouraged.
In His Love and Services,

Eph. 3:20
Mt. 6:33; Is. 55:12


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