God is Better that Any STOP Sign
Aug 2009
During the past few weeks the Lord has impressed upon me that there is so much I need to be wary of. There are so many choices that really are good choices. For instance I attend a very fulfilling Bible study weekly and there are so many more that have been opening up to me in the way of invites. I'd really like to attend them all for they all offer things I'd benefit from and could reach out and help others as a result of being a participant in any of them. I've had to really focus on what God desires for me to do. In thinking of each one of these great invitations I've evaluated the responsibilities in my life; i.e. Pastor's Wife, Homeschool Mom, etc. and have come to the realization that God is better than any STOP sign and can truly give me the right direction. I just need to be sure to follow His guidance. If I were to continue on through the intersection without stopping to evaluate the situation I could easily be blindsided which could very well bring calamity to my spiritual life.
In stating these good things that could be distractions to my spiritual and family life I can also see that there are many things that may not be Godly at all that could come to squelch my effectiveness as a Christian. Whether or not I am a Pastor's Wife I am first and foremost a Christian and I, as well as every other Christian, have the responsibility to keep my mind and heart tuned in to listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit in every sense.
As we've seen in the news concerning the Methodist Church, other denominations also, the world and every avenue of life, there are choices that each one of us has to evaluate according to the Word of God and allow the Holy Spirit to give us the right direction. I pray that I'll always be one who will do just that. We are told in the Word that in the end times even some who are the 'elect of God' will become deceived and follow the wrong path in areas concerning spiritual matters, thinking they're doing the right thing.
I covet your prayers that I'll not be swayed, deceived or distracted from the call God has on my life. I encourage you all to faithfully attend church services everytime they are offered. Sometimes the services that may not be as faithfully attended truly do contain some of the most meat of the Word that you may get for the week. Do not forsake the assembling of yourselves together as far as the attendance of church goes.
In His Love and Service,
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