May 14, 2010
(Not just Destiny, but God’s Destiny for our lives.) Today being Mother’s Day I want to look at the life of Timothy and the influence of his Mother and Grandmother. I’ll read 2 Timothy 1:1-7 with the focus on vs. 5. Please follow along with me in your Bibles. Let’s recall Jeremiah 29:11 which gives us great promise from God. I looked up the word Destiny in several sources but I’d like to share 3 of them with you: Wickepedia Destiny refers to a predetermined course of events.[1] It may be conceived as a predetermined future, whether in general or of an individual. It is a concept based on the belief that there is a fixed natural order Webster’s Dictionary 1 : something to which a person or thing is destined : fortune 2 : a predetermined course of events often held to be an irresistible power or agency Holman Bible Dictionary Destiny: Word used in modern translations for God’s act in electing or predestinating people and nations. Predestination: God’s work in ordaining salvation for people without their prior knowledge. While I was carrying Jonathan I heard the following saying and I’ve kept it, speaking it over Jonathan, telling it to him and have it cross-stitched for him. It is very encouraging and I’d like to share it with you. You have a Destiny! Always trust in God, obey Him, follow His leadership, guidance, and direction and you will then see that Destiny fulfilled. I read a devotion one day this past week that deals with the ‘daily-ness’ of life. In this daily-ness we often lose focus on the Destiny we know is there. In relating several stories of raising four children I saw a struggle this woman had in finding the time and path God lays out to correctly demonstrate His love, develop Godly character in her children and combining all the chores and varied affections for husband, children and the Lord on a daily basis. One thing C.S. Lewis once said is, “The thing is to rely on God… Meanwhile, the trouble is that relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing has yet been done.” Can we relate to that? I know I surely can. I may not have four children at home but just one is still a challenge at times, especially when the two of us don’t really see things in the same way. I know often I don’t communicate the way I could in order to get better results. And being an individual my son will often have his idea as to the way a certain thing should be done. I am really trying to encourage and allow for his individuality however that goes against the grain because, of course, I think my way is the best or even sometimes the only way. I’ve really had to work at letting him exert his own ideas and thoughts in some areas. Our daily-ness is God ordained as we raise our children to be men and women of God. We as mothers and grandmothers are entrusted with special moments of both trial and triumph while following the Lord during these growing up years. We often find ourselves doing the very thing we do not want to do in our frustrations of daily life. I need to keep in mind that I can guide my children’s Destiny but I can’t force it for if I try to it will often backfire and they will go headlong in the opposite direction. God’s plan is best and if we as Mothers and Grandmothers will seek the Lord in how to encourage those God has entrusted to us I am convinced in my heart that we’ll see God’s results. That’s not to say that they might have to go ‘find themselves’ but in so doing they will quickly find what God has for them because they have a healthy way to find the right path. Let’s look at Psalm 139. I’ll just bring out a few verses but I’d like to encourage you to read the entire chapter when you have some time to sit and allow the message of it to seep down in your spirit. This Psalm reminds us of God’s ever present and perfect knowledge of man. Vs. 3b lets us know that He is acquainted with (or knows) all my ways. Vs. 4 lets us know that He knows what we’re going to say before we even say it. Vs. 7 comforts us in knowing that there is no place at all that we can go that His presence is not with us. Vs. 13 gives us security in knowing that He was with us even before we were born and through Vs. 16 we are given the assurance that every part of each one of us was formed to His liking. How many of us have held a baby and been overwhelmed with the new life in our hands? I believe God feels the same way with us, just look at Vs. 17 How precious are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! WOW and look at Vs. 18 they’re too many to count more in number than the sand – remember Abraham? Even when I wake up I still am right there with the Lord. Amazing isn’t it? Aren’t we, as Mothers often this same way with our own children, in being there and thinking about our children? We take them to sports activities/events, music/gymnastics/etc. lessons, make sure they have lots of opportunities to develop friendships with others in their own age group, learn from a variety of sources. Vs. 19-22 talk about God’s protection, can’t we relate to that with our own children, too? Best of all we, because of the deep, deep love and respect we have for our heavenly Father we ask him to show us of any way we can please by doing only what is right and expect Him to lead us in the everlasting way. We Moms love it when our children, no matter their age, know the things that please us and do all they can, out of love and respect, to please us. How much better is it for us to please God. In doing so, we will be much better equipped to lead those He has given us charge over, the blessings of the Lord, as we see in Psalm 127:3 Now let’s take some steps to apply this to our personal lives. Ø Let’s pray that God will help us take on our daily-ness with the joy of the Lord Ø Let’s make a greater effort to honor God by trusting ‘on purpose’ Let’s reflect on Ø Trusting Him with our daily struggles as we point others to Him Ø Beginning each day by thanking Him for entrusting us with the privilege of leading these children/or others we may be influencing daily Always remember what God said about you in the O.T. in Jeremiah 29:11: For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper and not to harm you, to give you a hope and a future. And always remember, too, that your life is filled with Destiny, a God given one. Know that: You have a Destiny! Always trust in God, obey Him, follow His leadership, guidance, and direction and you will then see that Destiny fulfilled. Let me encourage you – if you don’t know what God’s Destiny is for your life or if you don’t think you have a Destiny, seek the Lord and find out what your Destiny is. Realize that you are fearfully and wonderfully made, another reference from Psalm 139, and He created each and every one of you for a specific purpose. Find out from Him your purpose and destiny and begin to walk in it and if you already know your purpose and destiny I commend you to step it up a notch and see just what God will do in the days to come. Be a person of Destiny!
There is gold and a multitude of rubies, But the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel. Proverbs 20:15
Sunday, September 1, 2013
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