1) How many accomplishments have they caused to happen?
a) monies, possessions, etc.
b) relationships with no substance
2) How many people have they influenced or made a difference for the Kingdom of God?
a) salvations, discipleship, etc.
b) relationships with eternal value
In looking at these two instances we are actually looking at the lives of Christians and non-Christians. Although there are a lot of really 'good' people who aren't Christians by profession or lifestyle, there are only two types of people according to the Bible, Christians or non-Christians. We read on lots of signs in front of Churches, on billboards, and actually now on Facebook and other social networks we frequent that say 'the only way to heaven is through Jesus'; or 'Jesus is the only way to heaven', etc. Jesus Himself said in John 14:6 "I am the Way the Truth and the Life and no one can come to the Father except through Me."

This really shook me a bit. The fact that we only have one way is part of the foundational truth of Christianity. These 3 things that Jesus said He is, the Way, the Truth and the Life, are of utmost importance and truly are the beginning to what makes our lives count. For a life to count at all, it has to count for Jesus, God and the Kingdom of Heaven first and formost.
I've learned that the things needed are:
1) Walk the Way of Jesus
2) Live the Truth of God's Word
3) Demonstrate God's Kingdom by example
Be blessed as you ponder the questions in your heart and look to the words of Jesus for the comfort and solidification of His call on your life. Be the example God desires by finding the answers in the Bible.
In His Service,
Luke 1:37